What I've learned from watching science fiction shows

I watch a lot of science fiction. I read alot of science fiction, too, but I grew up watching Star Trek and Stargate.

Yes, I’m a geek. (It’s okay, you can say it. It’s not like it’s a secret or anything.)

I realized recently that I’ve learned a few things from my steady diet of space battles. (One of them is that regardless of space being a giant vacuum, explosions will always sound…well, like big explosions. Always.) Hopefully those things will even help me post-apocalypse, but only time–and the apocalypse–will tell.

I’m concentrating on TV shows here, otherwise this post will turn into a novel. Or at least a thesis paper. (Hmm…might not be a bad thesis topic.)

Anyway. So, what have I learned from watching science fiction? Well, it depends on the show.

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Post-Apocalyptic Governance

Teamwork will be vital in the days, weeks and even months immediately following the apocalypse. Grab Tom, Dick and Harry and band together to eek out a meager existence.

However, once the mutants are contained and the infected have died off, leaving only a population of survivors, you’ll need some sort or population organization system.

Understand your options and the pros and cons they include.

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