Post-Apocalyptic Would You Rather

Would You Rather is a game where you’re tasked with choosing between two terrible things you don’t want. It’s usually nasty things like, “seeing you parents have sex or your parents seeing you having sex.” Ew. Not a game I like playing.

So I changed it up a bit. I’m curious about what everyone thinks is a better or worse apocalyptic scenario. Keep in mind, my day job is in market research so I’m kind of curious and inquisitive by nature AND training.

Would You Rather: Aliens or Robots?

Aliens could swoop in and just burn this place to the ground, or they could infiltrate and slowly destroy us from the inside out.

Robots, usually through some failing or hubris or man, would likely become a vital part of our societies then snap like JLo in Enough.

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Would You Rather: City or Country?

Surviving in the City would not only mean scavenging and crumbling structures, but also pre-made everything to use or live in.

Surviving in the country would mean starting from scratch, catching or growing food, and braving the wildlife.

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 Would You Rather: Slavery or Rebellion?

Both seem like so much work! At least with slavery you have food and shelter and consistency. On the other hand, rebels can take naps and drink and fornicate at will.

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Would You Rather: A Dictator or Anarchy?

While I never paid much mind to government, I hear dictators make it their business to be touch the lives of all their subjects in some way. Fall in line and it could be a good way.

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Anarchy could be chaotic and upsetting, or you could just slip out the back and go check out the country living. And when the bandits come to raid your homestead you’re free to shoot them and string them up as a warning to any who come after.

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 Would You Rather: Lose everyone at once or Lose everyone over time?

It’s like pulling of a band-aid, do it fast and then get over it.

Alternatively, you could utilize the skills and build relationships with people overtime.

Both would probably drive you mad.

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Would You Rather: Eat People or be a Vegan?

They both have their downsides. Murder on the one hand and being Vegan on the other…

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Would You Rather: Lose an Arm or Lose a Leg?

Things are going to fall, lasers might be fired… Which do you value the least, your arm or your leg?

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Would You Rather: Survive with your Mom or you Dad?

Yup. When you think of people the least likely to survive an apocalypse, you’re parents are probably on there. Mine are. Bare in mind that you’ll probably have to watch them die when they lose their glasses or stop and ask a bandit for directions.

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Would You Rather: Your Co-Workers or Your Neighbors?

Honestly, I wouldn’t know my neighbors if the walked up and punched me in the face.

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They don’t look especially durable…

Co-workers, well, I spend eight hours a day with them and certainly don’t go home and miss them…

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Would You Rather: Candy Forever or Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables Forever?

Imagine you and your band of survivors come across a factory that you can defend and live in. Inside is a nearly unlimited supply of food… Kind of.

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Would You Rather: Be Hunted and Loyal or Be Safe and a Traitor?

So say there’s an antagonist, be it the government, or aliens, or an oligarchy, or Amazons. This antagonist finds out that you and yours are not playing like they’d like you to be.

They offer you a choice, give up the goods and help them find the others or take a head start and try to protect your neck.

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If you have any suggestions for other tough choices or would like to elaborate on your decisions above, talk to us via the comments below.

8 thoughts on “Post-Apocalyptic Would You Rather

  1. Oooo them’s some harsh choices there. Here’s one that usually comes into any post-apoc discussion:

    When it comes to rebuilding the human race, would you rather initiate a forced breeding programme, which in so many words is government sanctioned rape, or let the chips fall where they may, condemning your fledgling society to dwindle into nothingness.

    1. Personally, I’d incentivize breeding as it’s all drawbacks aside from the continuation of the race so far as I can see. But, I suppose, in Tavia’s America: Make a baby if you can…

    2. No government forced breeding here, but everyone strongly advised to have babies. Lots. I would be open and honest about it as well, along the lines of ‘you may not personally WANT to, but we need to rebuild. So could all of you who CAN have babies have them no so in three or four generations people have the choice to?’

      But honestly, I’d rather give people the choice than have a government based on rape. Besides, I don’t think I’ll need to force it: Humans like to fuck and with no contraception babies are gonna happen…

      1. So true. I feel people (teens especially) are more than prepared to unintentionally keep the population growing. Just outlaw birth control and abortion and have lovely well run orphanages that don’t turn the kids into suicidal head cases and criminals.

  2. I want to know who voted ‘good life, here I come!’ On the last question. They’re dying first. 😉

  3. They’re being protected already? Tsk, I was hoping to end them based on their declaration of intention rather than having already done it!

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